
Course Description

Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2013 for her masterful command of the short story, Alice Munro has effectively redefined what is possible in just a handful of pages. In her Nobel Prize biography, Robert Thacker assesses Munro’s brilliance: “Through their complexity, through their clarity, and through their precision, the stories Munro has published capture the very feelings of what it is like to live, to be alive. “ As winter turns to spring and the landscape begins to come alive (and, in many ways, we do, too), join us for an exploration of this Canadian master. In stories that move back and forth through time to investigate the effects of singular moments and decisions, we will meet characters who are as different in circumstances and environment as they are similar in their desire to understand what makes us all human. The text Vintage Munro: Nobel Prize Edition will be supplemented by occasional additional readings.
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